Our Services – 100% satisfaction and money back guarantee

General Pest Service

We will protect your home and family in the least intrusive way possible so you and your family can live your life without worrying about pests.  Our general pest service covers most pests that live around your house, such as spiders, ants, crickets, wasps, beetles, rolly pollies, scorpions, centipedes, & mice.

Some pests such as termites, roaches, and bedbugs require different, and more aggressive action to get rid of. While we do have excellent services to get rid of those pests, they are not included in general pest services.

Interior and exterior treatments are recommended on our initial treatment to flush pests out and away from your home.  We only use premium products on your home that are safe and effective to ensure your family’s safety and peace of mind.

When we treat the interior of your home on your first service or for any retreats, we use a liquid sprayer and we spray our products only in the areas where bugs travel to ensure that the products stay near the bug highways but away from your family and pets.  We also treat the areas where pests could enter your home such as plumbing entry ways, around window frames, doors, and we treat the areas along the baseboards of your home.  

When we treat the exterior of your home, it becomes the defensive layer that will keep the bugs from getting into your home in the first place.  There are lots of access points along the outside of your home that provide easy entrance for pests to enter and invade your home. To keep them from getting in there, we spray your home 3 feet up the house and the ground 3 feet out from your home.  We also pay particular attention to access points such as weep holes (openings in your home that allow for movement during extreme heat and cold conditions). We will also extend the protection by treating your yard with granules 10ft out from your home to help with fleas, ticks, and other unwanted pests.  

Our goal is to get our customers to the point where they’re not seeing any bugs, but to keep it that way, they need to keep up with a recurring service.  We recommend having a recurring service performed on your home for a variety of reasons:

Because the EPA regulates the products and the products are safer, they are designed to breakdown over time.  Natural elements work against the product to break it down on the outside of the home. By coming back every other month, we ensure that we keep up that barrier.  This is also why we don’t have to treat the inside as often – there’s no wind, rain, and sun inside (hopefully!!). Basically, if we don’t come back, the pests will!

When you apply sunscreen at the beginning of a day on the lake, are you good for the day? No – you need to keep applying every 2 hours to keep the protection on your skin.  Our services are the sunscreen on the home to protect it from bugs.

We come back 30 days after the initial service because there isn’t a product out there that can penetrate bug eggs so by coming out 30 days later, we have a chance to kill the bugs that have hatched, but have yet had a chance to reproduce. By coming out every 2 months, we are able to stay ahead of the life cycle.

Some pests are harder to control than others and may take time to get under control. We ask our customers to give us a little time to get a hold on the situation because the bugs didn’t get there overnight and they’re not going to leave overnight.

FAQ – General Pest 

Why can’t I get a one time treatment and have all the bugs die?

One time services are effective in that they will take care of the pests that come in contact with it and customers will likely see a short term difference.  However, that difference is short lived because of the reasons mentioned above regarding why we recommend recurring services.

Why are some treatments only on the outside?

When you have a recurring service, you are paying for pest protection by way of exterior services, with interior services free of charge and per request.  This is because the product on the outside breaks down faster than on the inside.

Are the products safe?

The products are very safe.  The EPA regulates all products that we use and we use them according to the label.   They are labeled safe for use in hospitals and we even treat multiple urgent care centers and veterinary clinics.

What this I hear about free retreats?

We ask our customers to give the products a chance to work, but if after 2-3 weeks they’re still seeing the pests, then we’re happy to come out again for free for our customers on a recurring subscription.

Once pests are under control with a recurring subscription, most people only need the inside done 1-2 times per year.

I’m seeing more pests now than before!

Our products not only kill the bugs, but some include a flushing agent, which means it gets the pests moving so that they’ll come in contact with more of the product. It may take a little bit, but they’ll die.

I’m seeing all kinds of dead spiders!  Can you come and treat again?!

Dead spiders are a great thing because it means the products are working! But we apologize that we’ve increased your workload by making you sweep more 🙂

Can I put service on hold for the winter?

There’s a myth out there that the winter kills bugs.  Jokes on us because they actually just hang out behind the walls where there is warm insulation! If you hold off service in the winter time, you allow your pest barrier to lapse and the home is unprotected.  In Oklahoma, it can be freezing cold one week and then warm again the following week. This influx in temperature gets bugs active. If you have allowed your pest barrier to lapse, then it is back to square one and it will take time to get them under control again.  So we advise our customers that if they don’t want to see bugs again in the spring, they need to keep their service throughout the winter time.

Do I have to be there?

Only for interior services.  The exterior service does not require you to be home because it’s all outside.  So that our customers know we’ve been there, we text on the way to their home and also leave a door hanger at the end of the service.

Can we be home during the interior treatment?

Absolutely! Our products are very safe, but we recommend you stay away from the product until it dries (give it a good 15 minutes).

Can I use my own products until you get here?

No.  Depending on what you use, there’s a good chance it’s a repellent.  While that may kill the bugs on contact, it doesn’t take care of the bigger problem.  What we use is undetectable by bugs so a) they don’t warn each other to stay away so more bugs come in contact with it and b) it’s slower acting so it spreads among the bugs and throughout their colonies

I want something to kill ALL the bugs!  

While general pest products have an impact on all of the pests included in general pest, there are some products that work better for one pest than another.  For example, we have a product that we use for ants that is REALLY good in getting rid of ants, but it’s not the best for getting rid of spiders. And vice versa. 


About them and how we treat

While ants are included with general pest, we have specific products that target ants specifically and work wonderfully.  We have a product that we can spray outside that really knocks them down but we also use ant bait gel on the inside. Both ant bait and sprays are non-repellent, slow acting products that were mentioned earlier.  The ants LOVE it! Then they spread it around like a cold at a daycare!  

Here’s the reason that it’s so effective: ants communicate by touch and by pheromones.  

Ants eat the bait and share it with the rest of the colony.  

When ants sense danger, they release a pheromone that warns other ants to stay away.  Have you ever seen a line of ants and then squished one? What happens? If you haven’t done that, I’ll tell you: they scram!  The dead ant, in its dying glory, warns the other ants that there is danger here. Because the gel bait is slow acting and doesn’t kill them on contact, it does not repel the other ants from eating it (hence, “non-repellent”).  This allows more ants to ingest and spread the bait.


I’m seeing more ants now than before!!

Remember how they really like the bait?  And that they communicate? If you found a table full of free food from Cheesecake Factory, wouldn’t you tell your friends about it?! Or maybe you’d keep it to yourself so you didn’t have to share… Well, either way, ants aren’t selfish so they tell their friends about it so more and more ants come out to partake, but then they die later.  Seriously though, we ask our customers to give it a week or 2 for the ants to properly spread the product throughout the colony and then let us know if they’re still seeing them.

If after a week or 2, they’re still seeing ants, we can lay out more bait (it may have all been eaten up!) and/or try another product.

Bed Bugs


Bed bugs can come in a home through a variety of ways: visitors from out of town bring them, bring them home from a hotel, staying in a home that has bed bugs, etc. Once someone discovers that they have bed bugs, it’s best to get it taken care of ASAP as they spread easily and quickly. 

Signs that someone has bed bugs:

If they wake up with itchy areas they didn’t have when they went to sleep, particularly if they got a used bed or other used furniture around the time the bites started

  • Blood stains on your sheets or pillowcases
  • Dark or rusty spots of bed bug excrement on sheets and mattresses, bed clothes, and walls – looks like an ink spot from a black pen
  • Bed bug fecal spots, egg shells, or shed skins in areas where bedbugs hide
  • An offensive, musty odor from the bugs’ scent glands
  • For more info, click HERE and HERE

How we treat

Again, bed bugs need to be treated ASAP.  Bed bugs hide in the tiniest of crevices and all over the place: baseboards and in cracks, crevices, and folded areas of beds, bedding, and adjacent furniture, especially mattresses and box springs, electrical switchplates, picture frames, wallpaper and nearly anywhere inside a home, car, bus, or other shelter.

We use an aerosol foaming product to get in all the cracks, crevices, and tiny areas where the bed bugs like to hide.  

Customers need to wash bedding (and clothing if bed bugs are in a dresser) in the hottest water possible and dried on the highest heat possible.  The clean bedding and clothes need to be stored in trash bags away from the problem area until after the problem room has been treated.


What if I think my couches have bed bugs?

We can treat them, but depending on the situation, the whole room may need to be treated.  Factors that determine this is the type of flooring (wood, tile, carpet, rug, etc) and what other items in the vicinity have had bed bug evidence.

Do I have to do anything beforehand?

Yes!  We have a whole document about it.

Brown Recluse Spiders


The anatomy of brown recluse spiders makes them difficult, though not impossible, to get under control.  Their legs taper down to a very small size and so they only come into contact with a minimal amount of product.  

How we treat

The product we use has a coating on the active ingredient that does a much better job of sticking to the hairs of the spider. The brown recluses have hairy legs so when they walk through the product, it clings to their hairy legs.  

We also use glue traps / sticky traps when dealing with brown recluses.  There are 2 purposes in doing this: 1) we can monitor where there is more activity and pay special attention to that area when treating the home; and 2) they stick to them and die, claws and hairy legs and all!  Bugs that get caught on sticky traps attract more bugs.

An effective way of treating for brown recluses is to dust the attic.  This is when a technician takes a machine into the attic and very briefly turns it on, spreading dust up into the entire attic.  This then leaves a fine dust throughout the attic that is harmful to brown recluses.  

For more info, click HERE

Fleas – Interior

How we treat

We do a broadcast spray over the areas that have fleas (carpets, rugs, upholstered furniture).

If there is a crawl space, we will treat it as well.


Customers need to be gone during the treatment and for 3 hours after the treatment.

Pets need to be treated at the same time for fleas.  Pets that aren’t getting treated for fleas need to be away from the home or a least kenneled away from the treatment area.

Customers may still see live fleas for up to 3 weeks while the eggs hatch and the fleas then come in contact with the product.

If customers are still seeing fleas after 4 weeks, they need a follow up treatment.

Flies – house flies & drain flies 

How we treat

House flies – We have a baited product that we treat in the areas where flies like to hang out, such as along the side of the window frames and door frames.  Be prepared to hear a crazy buzzing sound for a bit until they lay lifeless in your window sills.

Drain flies – Drain flies live in the scum that builds up in our plumbing.  We apply a foaming product inside the drain and let it sit for as long as possible so it has a lasting effect on the scum. 

Gnats – It is best to remove the source when dealing with gnats.  They are often found on or around fruit, plants, and inside drains.  We treat them the same way that we treat drain flies. We also will treat any plants with an aerosol.

Mice / Rats

How we treat

After finding out where our customers are seeing the most mouse activity or droppings, we put out locking bait boxes, filled with mouse bait.  The active ingredient is a blood thinner, which after ingested, causes the mice to leave the house in search of water, where they then die. Sometimes, they may not get out of the house before dying, but they dry up and do not smell.

Moles & Gophers

How we treat

We find where the moles and gophers are tunneling and insert a baited worm.  When they eat it, it kills them. Unfortunately for us, moles can sometimes store their food, including the baited worm, to eat later in the winter.  Unfortunately for them, when they finally feast on their food storage in the winter and eat the baited worm, they never see the light of day again… which really for moles probably isn’t so bad since they can’t really see in the day time anyway.  Either way, they’re dead after eating it.


How we treat 

Since mosquitoes are flying insects, we can’t keep them from entering yards, but we can treat the areas where they rest. With our fogging backpack, we apply a mist to the foliage in the yard where mosquitoes rest, waiting for their next meal to walk outside.  As they rest in the misted foliage, these miniature vampires come in contact with the product we’ve applied and then they die.

While the product we use is effective, they are still flying insects and we can’t control that.  The treatment is less effective if a customer has minimal foliage but surrounding yards/properties have lots of foliage, which is obviously out of our control.

Other companies come out every 3 weeks, but our method and products we use allow to be effective and come out every 4 weeks.

We treat for mosquitoes April through October.



In Oklahoma, we have what are called subterranean termites. Subterranean means that they travel underground.  Because of this, they can enter the home undetected (even you can’t catch them, Ring doorbell!) and feast on the structure of the home for years, even decades before any evidence is shown.  

Evidence of termites consists of seeing live termites, termite tubes, termite frass (poop!), or damaged wood.  Besides live termites, an untrained eye is unlikely to detect evidence.

Conditions that are conducive to termites: moisture around the foundation of the home, earth to wood contact, wood stored around a home, etc.

There are 3 kinds of subterranean termites:

  • Soldiers: protect the colony from invaders
  • Workers: forage for food
  • Swarmers: go start new colonies; swarming season is normally during April & May

Cool video about termites – Tiny Termite House

How we treat

Complete liquid treatment

In the areas where there is soil right up against the home, we dig a trench 6 inches deep along the house.  In concrete areas such as porches and driveways, we drill into the concrete every 12 inches along the perimeter of the home.  

Once the trenches are dug and the holes drilled, we saturate the soil with termiticide.  After applying the termiticide, we refill the trenches with the soil we’d removed. We also put plugs in the holes in the concrete and patch them with concrete.

We offer a termite renewal which, if kept up by the customer, acts like a warranty against future termite treatments.  If the annual renewal is kept current and the customer gets termites again, we come back out and treat for free. This is optional.  If someone chooses not to renew, we don’t come dig up the soil we treated 🙂

Spot liquid treatment

We use the same methods above and treat a minimum of 3 feet on either side of the termite activity. Additionally, we drill into the brick veneer every 16 inches and foam the walls with Termidor.

Spot treatments do not have any renewals or guarantees.

Sentricon bait stations

For a variety of reasons, some people aren’t interested in a liquid termite treatment. If they still want to protect their home against termites, the Sentricon bait system is a great option.  With the bait system, we insert Sentricon bait stations approximately every 10 feet around the home. In each bait station there is a stick of Sentricon’s Always Active bait. This bait is preferable to termites over wood, which would attract them to it instead of your home.  The unique thing about this bait is that it also has a termiticide in it. So if termites are near the home, they will go to the Sentricon bait, eat it, carry it back, and spread the termiticide throughout the colony, thus eliminating the colony.  

We charge an annual monitoring fee for coming out to check the bait stations once a year and to keep their bait stations active.  

If someone has termites and wants a Sentricon system, we do a liquid spot treatment of the area where termites are in addition to installing the Sentricon system.

Great videos about Sentricon – video 1 & video 2

Roaches – German Browns


German brown roaches are smaller, 1/2”-5/8” long. They are light brown to tan, with two dark, almost parallel stripes located on their backs, just behind their heads.  They are generally located in the kitchen and bathrooms, starting in the kitchen. If you see them at night & they scatter when you turn on the light, they’re German browns.  To prevent them, keep a clean kitchen by not leaving food out and cleaning it regularly.  

For more info, click HERE

Oriental cockroaches are shiny black and about 1” long. They are often found outside, with occasional ones found inside.

For more info, click HERE

How we treat

Roaches are very good about keeping their colony alive so we use non-repellent products when treating for roaches.

We strongly recommend having 2 treatments done because no product can penetrate a roach egg.  When we come out the first time to a roach appointment, our product (which is AWESOME) kills the living roaches.   By coming out 2 weeks later to treat a second time, we kill the roaches that have hatched, but before they can reproduce.

The services are more effective when the customer does their part, which includes things like removing all items from cupboards and cleaning the problem area.


How many treatments/services will I need?  

Depending on how bad the infestation is, we can normally eradicate the roaches in as little as 2 treatments.  If the roaches have been there longer, it will take more treatments. We consistently eradicate roaches in fewer treatments than the national average.  As one customer who lived at an apartment with roaches said, in 2 visits, we (Platinum) took care of a problem that couldn’t be resolved in 2 years by the company hired by the apartment complex.


How we treat

In order to treat wasps, it’s most effective when we can see and reach the nest.  If the customer has wasps, but doesn’t know where they are, it can be more difficult to get rid of them.

When we know where the wasp nest is, we have a far shooting aerosol product that shoots about 15-20 feet.  After spraying the nest to kill the wasps, we knock it down so that future wasps don’t inhabit it later.


We guarantee to rid your home of pests in a reasonable number of treatments given your home’s circumstances or we will refund you 100% of your last month’s membership fee.

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