Tulsa Pest Control | Getting the Job Done Right

Glow podcasters welcome back to another podcast on another edition with me. Yours, truly Jared johnson, I’m sure they’re better voices out there that you be listening to some. That sounds a little bit better, maybe a little funk to it, or maybe a little bit more enthusiasm or something podcast. But but I appreciate you and we are so grateful that you are joining with us today and that you are that that you are listening to us, even though might not have the best voice ever. But the knowledge that we’re going to give you is priceless is priceless. Okay, so why so? I am Jared, johnson I’m, the hostess podcast series. You know some people just call me Mr.Tulsa Pest Control because that’s what we specialize in solutions to those in the Tulsa area and me, and so we are excited that you are with us today being a part of this podcast and so we are going to go over all sorts of issues with bugs and pass with lawns, and when you name it we’re going to give you lots of information, all the information you need in order to make sure that you’re home, safe bug, free pest, free and with a green lawn. That’s weird for you as well I’m, so we can make that happen for you now. What we do is we take care of all sorts of different tests like spiders and ants and cockroaches, and also bed bugs and termite, and we handle so many different types of past. You know I mean flies. Please text, mice, rats, you know I’m there for you I’m. We also do a loan application who plays herbicide in your in your on your lawn I’m, so do pre-emerge. Tulsa Pest Control Applications will also treat for broadleaf, weeds, and grass and weeds like does grass and crabgrass on all the different types of grass out there were going to take care of will get those treated there for you. That way, you don’t have to worry about it, that’s a little bit of what we do, and so we do provide service to a lot of people here in the Tulsa area. In fact, we believe we are Tulsa Pest Control company service, the greater Tulsa area, as I mentioned before, and so yeah we can come out there and and and treated and how we get our customers. Will there be a lot of customer referrals? So people refer to their friends. Their neighbors are loved ones I’m over to us, which is a huge compliment for us. You know that that that they trust us enough to refer us in line to aim to do. We ain’t got to be able to provide that type of service on the other people online they google pest control Tulsa, but they had to have some sort of skills. In order to do that mean that they have to know how to work a computer turn it on smartphone tablet, I’m whatever it is, whatever they need to get them on the internet online in over to a search engine where there’s google, yahoo or being or I, don’t know if there are any other search engines out there as well, but that’s what they do and then and then they typed. In those words in that search, listen to us and we work hard to make sure they’re reviews are up where it where our customers want them to be right, where we want them to be. Also, we provide the best service to everyone out there, and so that’s what we’re doing for aiming tattoo. Please yeah, really really I keep your place looking good. So nobody comes over and sees past and there’s a drive-by. That’s using a break, keep listening and a fact what I want you to do. I want you to remember I want you to write down how to get in contact with us, because we are going to go over a lot in this podcast, but the same time you’re not going to remember everything right. That’s just natural human nature that you can’t recall everything at one given time unless you were crazy, smart with a photographic memory. Most of us do not have that I do not have that also, but the way that you next time you just grab all those pest controls. Let me. Let me say it one more time: I’m whenever you, you see one of the flyers around town, this, a Tulsa Pest Control on them, I’ll grab those flyers. Okay, grab those flyers, Amjad dental information. I from that way, when the time comes, whenever you are ready, you’ll be able to jump on it right away, and then we can come out there and get that taken care of for you. So do that save that get that taken care of alright guys and gals in everyone, let’s, let’s jump right into it today! So again we were talking about pest & lawn and everything else. I meet the sun, so this time you’re. So right now we are in February. Yes, it was a groundhog. Tulsa Pest Control Day right now is February 3rd cuz, that’s the day after groundhog, day and right now, people need pre-emergent applications on their homes in applications are, are big on there really early office at you have when dealing with past or I’m sorry not dealing with passport with dealing with weeds because you are being prevented, you’re being proactive about the situation. So if you have not had any pre-emergent application for the phone when you’re on your yard, yet it’s time to make that happens time to get that done as we’re going to make it easy for you. All you have to do is give us a call just googled pest, control Tulsa, and that will lead you to us and you can call us when you come out there we can handle all the work.

I will do all the pre-work applications will do the blankets spray yeah this time of year. You might see some yards that look blue or maybe yellow or green. That was just treated and that actually loves. You think that’s actually the herbicide that blue coloration in there, but it is not that’s actually the diets go track die. You put it in there. So you know where you treated I’m, so make sure you can get a good uniform treatment on the yard and dads. If that’s what we are doing and so you’ll see, your neighbors they’ve had their yards treated. You just see that tracking dies on the yard in a semi fantastic once that once at that room gets water in and wants to prevent others from my from getting past or right. But we don’t just take it. We don’t just do pre-emerge applications. All those. Those are a big part of our service, all sorts of another different types of treatments, also dandelions in bed, grassy, weeds, Dallas, grass and crabgrass, and planting grass me all the different types of grassy weeds as well. I’m going to oversee for best you or Austen dooleyvariations in lawn fertilization go well with both Bermuda and fescue lawn. Do we control so I’m going with any spiders for ants? We can handle those right, Kirby’s, wood bees as well. We take care of those we treat for the bed bug, bed bugs are huge, and so we want to make sure that we take care of bed bugs we do. We take care of termites bacon, that Tulsa Pest Control area. Would you bait stations, I love, you will say sentricon, but we do bait stations and we also do a liquid treatment. Also, it’s the best thing for you to do in your yard or on your home. Take your mosquitoes. Wasp flies scorpion silverfish, centipedes millipedes but. In order to have a street your home, you got to look us up. Just google, pest, control Tulsa, give us a call and we’ll come out there and see you and visit with you 376-0857. You can also reach online at platinum pest & lawn. Calm and at platinum. Your first service is only $1