Tulsa Exterminator | Getting rid of the pests

Alright, welcome back Tulsa. This is Jared Tulsa Exterminator I’m. Your host, this podcast series today welcomes anybody who is listening, no matter who you are no matter who you want to be. We are thrilled and excited that you’re with us today that you’re joining with us in this podcast that you do want to be a part of this podcast. You do want to be a part of learning information. Learning, gathering gaining knowledge comes to pass when it comes to wall control when it comes to weed control when it comes to just being a better person. We are happy that you are at that you’re with us today that you’re with us on this journey in our journey in life and our journey to delete others happy or journey to the really make the world a better place, one weed, and one bug at a time. That’s what we’re doing, but my name is Jared johnson, the hostess podcast Siri. Some people just call me pest control Tulsa, because we provide pest, solutions and turf solutions. Those in the greater Tulsa area river company is platinum. Pest & lawn, on the co-founder of it with my wife, Jennifer Johnson, mother of our kids. We have a number of kids. In fact, that number of kids happens to be number 3. Are there more of the way most likely so? But we just don’t know when that’s going to be could be another day, but most likely another 2 years. Will, that will that happen? So as of now, we have 3 children, but we provide pest, solutions and turf solutions to everyone in the Tulsa area. So whether that is you or whether that’s a friend of yours, we can make it happen or goal is to leave you with the perfect lawn and your past gone. That is what we aim to do now. We take care of all sorts of different weeds from broadleaf weeds, like dandelions and and and your clover and all sorts of different type of weeds, and what else do grassy weeds like nutsedge and crabgrass and dallisgrass, and we make it happen and will fertilize it will take platinum pest and lawns take care of your Bermuda lawns to oversee for best you will do lawn aeration. Also for your fescue I’m, pretty much working to make it happen to leave you the perfect one in your past gone, and so that is our goal. That is what we’re going to do with. That is how my password is billboards that say:pest control tulsa. Do you pass by any of those down the information on that billboard jot down on how to get in contact with us? It’s going to be bored I’m. Just make sure you do that, make sure that that you’re able to make that happen I’m that way when the time comes, where you reach that breaking point when you finally want to do something about the bugs and got the weed I’m that way. All of her information is right there for you, so you contact to make it super simple and is easy as possible, so just going to make that happen there for you, but I’ve been again thank you for joining us with his podcast can go over. All sorts of information we might go over and spiders and you might go over live with weed control. My do it all today, but we’re just happy that you are with us to join I would help you not going to remember all the information we throw at you today because there’s so much information. It’s kind of like I, tried to recall every lecture that you’ve ever had the with anybody right. So with your college, professor, with elementary school teachers used I can remember. So. If there’s anything in contact with us, and that is simple google is so you can just go to google pest control Tulsa. What you google, that that that search work Tulsa Exterminator often will lead you to ask just go and follow the links. I’m you’ll find us on there, you’ll see all over google reviews right now, we’re at 115, google reviews, I’m sure we’ll get more all 5-star review zipper one four-star, but that poor starve you send a pretty darn awesome, and so that’s what we do for you but I bet, that’s how you can get in contact with us. If so, why? Right now, I’m driving down the road and see now you know not, everything is green screen right now. We’re Tulsa Exterminator right here, February 1st of January, 31st I, guess we’re taking we’re still in January, who is 7-degree temperatures today tree with a pre-emergent application. Really this is the only offensive we can put on a lawn you. Otherwise, you just playing defense. You know Tulsa Exterminator you might even hear her my GPS there talk in the back, but otherwise, you just playing defense right, trying to control the weeds defensively trying to pop them here and there. Where is, if you’re able to do the pre-emergent application that is so much better to help prevent the weeds from coming up. That’s what we want to do. That’s what you want! That’s how you were able to prevent those weeds from coming into your yard Tulsa grab that flexes knee our flyer. We also do lawns on there as far as the weed control of that don’t be a simple and very easy way for you to get get in contact with us, so just go and grab that flyer there next time you see it, but what you’ll see? Sometimes Tulsa Exterminator this time of year and you’ll drive by a lawn and you’ll see that it was sprayed with something blue rice, you’ll see a lot of blue in the lot I think that’s actually the type of product type of herbicide but they’re, actually putting on your lawn. That is not accurate.

On the blues great, it’s called a Tulsa Exterminator track or die. How you put that in your text you to make sure that you cover the yard, make sure the cheer uniform Tremont makes sure you can see what you are treating in. So that’s important, that. If it doesn’t show want to have the track mixing with a herbicide, that’s yellow. So if you mix yellow and green, what does that make? What color would that make if you mix, yellow and green, if you would take one guest, oh I’m, sorry, yellow and blue, you mix, yellow and blue what happens to get green too? Sometimes you might see green and want to make sure the track tractor that the other type of herbicide is being used the time for the pre-emergent applications I’m. So if you want them in your yard, just give us a call. Reach out to us is fairly simple. You know you just go in search of the best pest control. Tulsa has to offer we’re confident that we’re going to come upon that. We can just contact us, so we can make that happen. We get that done for you, but we don’t just do pretty much applications i. Would you do we control turf control management will treat the lawn for diseases or do Bermuda lawns fescue lawns? Would you overseeding a lawn overseeding will be lawn fertilization as well treat for broadleaf, weeds and grassy weeds, dallisgrass, nutsedge, really any weed that is bothering you? We also do all sorts of type of pest control like a mosquito treatments, termite treatments, general pest, spiders, ants, roaches, mice, rats you need, we can make it happen there for you bet we can handle all of those, but in order to make that happen, you got to get this call. So it’s fairly simple: all you have to do is google pest, control, Tulsa, whole or information. Come up that we can give us a call and we can come out there and get you taken care of with that. You can also reach 918-376-0857. You can also reach out to platinum pest lawn.Com, but when you give us a call at your first service is only $1 and so just give the shower happy to come out there and get you all taken care of I’m. Once again, this is jerry with platinum pest & lawn, happy that you’re with us