Welcome back Tulsa welcome back Texas, you could be in Dallas or Fort Worth or Houston to El Paso. You could be in Mexico. Welcome back Arkansas got some people from Arkansas. Listening is also in Australia. You got a lot of freaky bugs over there in Australia. Don’T lie: you got a lot of jacked-up messed up bugs that can mess up your life over there, and so, if you’re, not careful, so so, if you’re in Australia good, I might, I can mend you for being brave enough to live over there. Man, you got to have good pest control, but it’s important that you are bettering yourself and educating yourself.

I listen to podcast series. Thank you for doing that today, and I am so we’re glad we are thrilled that you’re with us. We’Re always happy when we have new listeners. Welcome, welcome, welcome. My name is Jared. I’m the podcast host, we own Platinum, pest lawn. When I say we I mean my lovely wife, Platinum, pest. It is after Thanksgiving. Hopefully, you ate a lot of turkey jerky more. Pest Control Tulsa If you like to have hopefully eaten some ham, I got a little of that cranberry sauce stuffing mashed potatoes gravy.

Whatever floats your boat, whatever makes you happy, whatever brings back the memories of Thanksgiving of you when you’re a child. We hope that you made those memories over Thanksgiving hope. You spend some time with some friends and loved ones, hopefully, you’re able to have a good Feast, maybe some good old make it happen there, for you, more hope is that you spend some time with some loved ones, or some friends are those that you cared about And that you stuffed yourself hopefully did not eat as much as I did cuz. I overdid it at my place, just flat, overdid it, and so what we can do for you is. We can take care of any your pests, I’m Jared I’m on the hostess podcast.

My wife loves Platinum pest. Tulsa or Oklahoma City or Alaska, or Arkansas or Texas, or Mexico or Australia, a lot of bugs out there in Australia. I want the dangerous bugs to really mess up your world. If you come in contact with them likely over here in the states, we don’t deal with the type of bug that you listen to us. We are happy that you are listening and we are thrilled excited to join with us. Hopefully, you’ve been with us before, and hopefully, you’ve listened to some other podcast, but you know this is your first one. We are so glad and happy and excited and thrilled that you are spending your time with us today. Thank you. I am Jared, I’m your host of this podcast, I’m also a founder of platinum, pest.

This is a beauty about technology, Google, it’s just amazing Google, as taking over the world, Pest Control Tulsa but I bet if you are familiar with your goal, get familiar with Google, but the fact that you are listening to podcast tells me that you’re somewhat knowledge of technology and how to make things happen at this, a beauty about technologies that when you can listen to this podcast anywhere, you want to listen to podcasts long. Should you have internet capabilities or you’ve downloaded it I’m either way we don’t. We don’t discriminate. However, you want to listen to the podcast. Pest Control Tulsa You may listen to it, I’m we’re just happy and thrilled that you are with us today. I am Jared Johnson, the hostess podcast mall, so co-founder Platinum pass along with my wonderful wife, Jennifer Johnson mother of our three children and I’m sure there will be more to come in the future, but we start up button and pass them on.

I will you might ask what who are some people just call as petsTulsa, because we provide Pest Solutions and turf solutions to those in the Tulsa area? Have a We are family owned and operated company always have been most likely always will be, at least that’s the goal Messi in 10, and I am so we service, know anyone from Owasso Nowata guide to Claremore Bigs by. We make it happen there for you. So that’s what we’re doing and Deborah is gold or 18. Is it really provide the best pest control that we can, and so we do have Google reviews and so people leave feedback happy and thrilled to receive on because that allows us to know what we can do to better ourselves in better our service.

which is what we want to do, but in order to better our service and better ourselves, we have to have her music Muse. We have to have customers. Pest Control Tulsa So if you want to become part of this revolution, we can mend you can we want to become a part of it, but you need to find us need to call us. You can reach the 918-3760ordering online at Platinum, pest. hopefully, you are enjoying this weather and hopefully, you had a fantastic Thanksgiving. I was last week. Weather has been absolutely amazing. It has been gorgeous and it’s been beautiful. Pest Control Tulsa Hopefully you were able to tap into this weather and really enjoy it in and take the time to enjoy creation, but also take the time to eat lots of turkey and lots of Pi. You know if you’re still eating leftovers. That is awesome. You know.

That means you had a great Thanksgiving. For me, too, I just made a lot of food. Nobody can. Hopefully, it was the first, hopefully, a lot of people over and help. We just had a fantastic Thanksgiving with lots of food near ready stuff themselves and really enjoyed their time together. But again I am your host.

I’m also. I found her Platinum pest. Hopefully, you are outside and relaxing or you could listen to this inside or you could be listening. Pest Control Tulsa This in August does track right now November, but you can listen to it whenever you want to wherever you want to, and that’s the great thing about technology. These days, I’m in that it is fantastic, that you can know that you can listen to that. I’m at your convenience you’re coming back today were if you wanted to see.

If you wanted to watch a TV show, you had to be there present to watch that TV show. If you had a TV show that came on every Wednesday night will guess what you’re the be there every Wednesday night at 7 to watch the show, and if you missed it, oh well, you know everybody else, talks about it at work or at school, and please Don’T tell me you, please don’t tell me about it and, then you’d be lucky, and so is my name is Jared. I’m on the hostess podcast, I’m also co-founder Platinum, pest.