Pest Control Tulsa | Get pest Under Control

Okay, welcome back podcasters, welcome back Oklahoma’s welcome back Oklahomans. I will come back to anybody who’s! Listen to this podcast, my being Canada, might be on one of the islands that got hit by a hurricane. You might be fishing in a boat somewhere, but as long as you have internet or internet connection, you could be listening. This podcast, you might download this podcast. You can listen to offline who knows, but we want to do. Are we want to welcome you to our podcast, it’s great that you’re turning in it shows that you are committed and that you are looking to educate yourself in the wonderful information world at past and also weed control. That way, you most likely want to leave your own home with a Perfect Lawn and your past gone, Pest Control Tulsa and this the right patch podcast on TuneIn to in order, in order to figure out how to do that. But I am Jared Johnson. I am the co-founder of platinum. Pest. Alright welcome back podcasters welcome back, everyone will come back, Tulsa, welcome, back Oklahoma, welcome, back Alaska or Hawaii or South America or Mexico or Australia, or wherever you’re listening to this podcast return, you’re from Australia. Good, I might know, there’s you got a lot of freaky. Looking bugs over there in Australia, a lot of dangerous bugs are in Australia and Diane, so you’re doing the right thing, you’re turning into a good podcast and then with past that will help you write Iquitos past and every turn in here in the Oklahoma area. Congratulations, we welcome you, we welcome you if your regular podcast listener, we walk in you if you are listening for the first time, but either way, we welcome you in this great to joining and that way you can educate yourself and learn more about the past.

The in the different types of weeds that are around your home around your area here in the Tulsa Oklahoma area, so thanks for joining today we’re going to have a great show for you I’m Jared Johnson, I’m your host on co-founder Platinum, pest. Good morning, podcasters good morning, Oklahoma good morning, Tulsa good morning, Oklahoma City, Pest Control Tulsa good morning, anybody who’s, listen to this podcast Edition have a fear in the Oklahoma area. We had a nice cool front. Come through yesterday really dropped off the Tim’s, not yesterday, but the day before were in the upper 80s. I want to see like 87° had a front come through really drop the temperatures. Everything feels great this morning, we’re here in the fifties: loving it feels like fall, but what’s the fall happens when stem to start cooling off, guess what the bugs do and yes that’s right. The bug starts moving inside and so welcome. Welcome to this podcast. I’m glad you’re joining with us we’re going to find out what to do with a pass when they want to come inside or more specifically. Today we are going to be talking about bed bugs., Pest Control Tulsa But I am Jared Johnson, I’m the co-founder of I’m your host today. The podcast series, I’m co-founder Platinum, passed along with my beautiful amazing, incredible wifeJohnson, a mother of ours. Let’S see how many kids do we have. The answer is 3 kids right now. She is a phenomenal job, knowing that she takes care of the kids, but she helps out in the office she’s a big part of platinum, pest Rt Podcast is welcome back to another Edition. We are happy and we are thrilled and we are so pleased that you’re joining us today on another podcast series. If you can Jordan recently, you know that we’ve talked a lot about bed bugs but yeah. We talked about all sorts of different types of bugs in the idea behind this.

Is there really educate yourselves right? So you are in the know. There are so many different types of insects here in the Oklahoma area. Here in the Tulsa area, I mean I need to know which ones are harmful to your family and which ones are beneficial. How much would she do not want in your home, which ones you do not want to ruin any of your family as well as a thank you for joining the wherever you’re located, hopefully, you’re on a boat fishing somewhere? Pest Control Tulsa Listen, this podcast, or maybe you’re by the pool or maybe you’re with your kids, but whatever it is, we’re Grateful Dead that you join with us today. Am I am Jared Johnson, I’m your host, this podcast series, I’m co-founder Platinum, pest. I’m in is a great day. Today. It is a morning a Beautiful Morning. Sun is not quite up yet, but it will be around the corner. I’m hoping you’re starting your day off right and you are. Listen to this podcast series. I’m you’re ready to tackle the day by the horns and you are ready to educate yourself in and learn all the information that you need to know about. Passing the Tulsa area, and also we control here in the Tulsa area, have a special guest join me today. I’ve Cooper Charles Johnson join me today on this podcast series, Cooper, say hello or and Cooper’s coming up with unique ways of killing bugs about.

First of all, in order to reach us that the way that most people call us is actually call us by looking up Pest Control, Tulsa right, so that’s how that they find so Cooper, tells you unique way to kill bugs today cut them up and tell like pieces Of a Dying, okay, so Cooper’s way to kill bugs, is it take some scissors, a good of a good set of scissors and maybe a shears, and when you see a bug, you just take the scissors lifts years and you just cut them up into little pieces. Pest Control Tulsa That’S definitely one method to kill him as big as a time. That’S definitely one method to kill him, but we have a different method here at Platinum, pass them on, but we happen if your we’re happy that you’re joining into this podcast series – I’m I am Jared Johnson, I’m the house in this podcast series, I’m co-founder Platinum, pest