Alright, welcome back podcasters welcome back to another Edition. Thank you for joining us today. It is a beautiful day. Man, oh man, can you believe it is almost December time yeah. It’S never! That simple! Because of the weather, that’s out there now the leaves most leaves are gone for the trees. So if you’re the type of person that has a lot of trees around your home, you might have some Fescue on the lawn as well, and I’m so that that’s something we do hand over to take care of Fescue by your work cut out for you. Pest Control Tulsa Sports raking leaves, if you haven’t done it already or haven’t already got the leaves up, but doesn’t want to make sure that you get all the applications that way we have the best contact with the crown on that way. You’Re able did to get the most taken care of did that prevent weeds from coming in, but anyways. Thank you for this day on this beautiful November. Late November late November day, I am Jared Johnson, the hostess podcast series on co-founder Platinum, pest lawn with superwoman AKA, Jennifer the, formerly known as Jennifer Gaylord, and we are Pest Control Tulsa. We provide solutions. We are happy and we are Joyful. We Are thrilled that you are with a snake. Hopefully, you guys had a great turkey day. Pest Control Tulsa Gobble gobble gobble gobble eats lots of mashed potatoes and cornbread. If you did you like that, gravy dripping all over that the turkey and the mashed potatoes that I hope that is what you got and if you like pie I’ll, be at all sorta different types of pie for you, if your pumpkin pie or hope you had Pumpkin pie or apple pie – I personally Dutch apple pie, but hopefully you just had whatever made you happy on this Thanksgiving.
But again we are ecstatic that you’re with us today that you’re joining with us. If you want to better yourself better your education, but it comes with bugs and all that other sorts of our past that are round around the Tulsa area y m Jared Johnson. I’m your host this podcast series on co-founder Platinum, a pest for both Turf. Hello podcasters, thank you for joining with this. Today we are an expression of gratitude for you listening and turning in at. We could not do this without you is the week of Thanksgiving we’re looking at Tuesday right now, Thanksgiving this year is going to be on a Thursday. Take that and then so what we are grateful for is everything right. I’m it’s important that you know that that we are grateful to be living today. Pest Control Tulsa You say that we have on this Earth. It is a blessing it’s a good day to have I’m in so make it the best day that you possibly can, but I’m we are grateful for you for listening to us and supporting us and and and hopefully you’re able to enjoy these podcast as much as we’re able to give them and hopefully you’re able to learn something, learn a little bit about past and also about weed and turf control as well.
But I am Jared Johnson and my wife and I found the company Platinum, pest. Alright podcast, yes, thank you for joining us. I know you’ve been doing with us a long time you been following us and we really appreciate it. We are grateful for it, not just because this is the week of Thanksgiving, but hopefully, you prepared and planned hopefully have a big Feast at that you’re playing at playing this pain with some loved ones, with some family or some friends, I’m with those that you really enjoy spending time with you know, Thanksgiving is a special time, it’s good time, Tetra flight and really think about all the things that you are grateful for. Who are grateful for your listeners to this podcast series. Pest Control Tulsa We are grateful that you’ve taken that your time to be able to join with this today. We hope that your listing this podcast in A Couple Of Forevers you choose wherever you desire on that’s, why we want to have happened for you and that’s the beauty about Technologies days. You can really be listening to things anywhere as long as you have internet access, or you downloaded on this on the on a smart device, Pest Control Tulsa but thanks again for joining us, I am Jared Johnson, I’m co-founder fighting the pest. You are not going to be able to find anyone else that is going to be able to do what we can so you are going to want to get in touch with us today and see how we are going to be able to provide you something that no one else is going to be able to provide. Go on our website today and take a look at everything that we are going to be able to provide you with.
We want to earn your business so make sure you check us out today and see how we can get you something no one else can. We are going to be able to get you phenomenal services as well as going the extra mile in order for you to be absolutely blown away and you are not going to want to miss out on that. Make sure you do everything you can to contact us and talk to us about the things you are needing help with. Pest Control Tulsa Call us today at the number 918-376-0857. They have all kinds of testimonials of people saying nothing but amazing things saying how they would highly recommend them to family and friends. They can help with pretty much anything whenever it comes to Pest Control Tulsa and making sure you get the highest quality services available. Make sure you reach out to them today and see how they will be able to help you with so many things that no one else can provide.