Pest Control Tulsa | Best of the best
Looking back podcast. Welcome back to another edition of podcasting with your host June or not in June.
For with Jared JOHNSON I am your host. I am the co-founder of platinum pest and lawn with my wife and lovely companion Jennifer Johnson formerly known as Jennifer Gaylord. Well, thank you. We want to thank you Tulsa for tuning in today and listening to this podcast. We are our purpose with these podcasts is to give you as much information as you need to know to be able to keep your home safe-keep your pets safe and keep you happy living in Oklahoma. You know Oklahoma is a fantastic place to live. Now there are a lot of bugs a lot of pests here in Oklahoma which does surprise a lot of people moving from out west. You know we have some friends that recently just moved from Colorado and they love it here in Oklahoma. If it wasn’t for all those past Well we’re here to let you know you can love Oklahoma even with the past but you have to choose a great pest control company. You got to choose the best pest control Tulsa to keep you happy. Now that’s going to be us right. We are platinum pest and lawn we are a family-owned and operated company servicing the greater Tulsa area.
Now we take care of a whole array of insects such as German Brown cockroaches spiders ants fleas ticks caterpillars mice termites mosquitoes you name it.
We take care of it we all still control fertilization for your turf. We have it. We got it one on Tulsa. And so if you need those services what she needs to do is pick up the phone and call 9 1 8 3 7 6 0 8 5 7. You can also reach us online at Platinum pest and lawn dot com.
OK. So here’s what we got. We’re coming at you strong hard and coming at you fast. If you tune in to any of these podcasts you know that we have that we give lots of facts about a lot of different bugs about dust mites to bed bugs to roaches.
To all sorts of different creatures. But we want to give you the facts and then we want to let you decide the best way to be able to protect your home and be able to protect your family against these pests so do these podcasts. We’re
going to flood your brain with information flood your brain with knowledge about all sorts of different types of pets. What we want if we going get one thing to stick in that noggin of yours. The best thing to stick in your head would be on how to get a hold of us. Now the way that you get a hold of us is you you’re going to have to google pest control Tulsa. Once you do that you’ll be able to see us on that list. They’re right on Google and click on to us. Pest Control Tulsa
Will come out and we’ll take care of the pest issues that you have. Or if you just want some questions answered we’re happy to answer those questions for you. We are happy to educate about pets. We don’t want you to have to deal with those pests. They can get annoying especially depending on what type of pest you are dealing with. OK. And so what we want you to know recently we’ve talked about June Brown cockroaches we’re giving you some fun facts like they can hold their breath for and I’m sorry for 40 minutes.
They can live with their head cut off for a week. The females some females can just meet once and be pregnant for life. They are prolific breeders. They are amazing at adapting. I’ve been around since the dinosaurs and so the list goes on and on about these roaches. But here’s the thing.
If you have roaches you don’t have to know all those facts right. That’s for nerds like us that’s for the bug nerds. Leave that up to us. Right. We know the facts. But when you know it is all you need to know how to do is to turn on a computer or your smartphone and go to Google and type pest control Tulsa. That is how you’re going to get a hold of us. You must use the best pest control company in the Tulsa area. Now that is going to be hands down if you read the reviews you’ll see that are that our customers are giving us an average five-star rating on Google. And so that’s because we work hard to keep our customers happy and to make sure they stay bug-free and that’s what we’re going to do for you to put forth the effort to do that you’re going on the Google Earth to find us because of right. But that’s what we do now. We’re talking about families we talked to Oakley’s last podcast and these things are annoying. Not quite as annoying as bed bugs.
We get tons of calls on please sometimes people get them only animals sometimes they’re getting inside but we do lots of flea treatments and we see lots of bad fleas out there right. Homes that are inundated with fleas. And so we can do a flea treatment we’re going to do a few things. We’re going to a broadcast treatment. For the fleas and we’re going to actually mix in three different products along with this one product.
What is there we use a specific product? We use that idea or we’re seeing this for ingrowth or I’m sorry growth insect growth regulated.
We’re also going to use another product that’s going to give you a longer residual to help control the long run for these families right. So that’s where we’re going to do. But to get the premium service you’re going to have to call us now. There are a few ways to get a hold of us the next time you drive by I-44 you see that big old billboard right there along I-44 the one that says pest control Tulsa just pull over. Do yourself a favor pull over. Jot down the number. Most of me is number.
Just call us and we’ll come right out for you and we will administer death to any fleas that are invading your home. That is our promise that’s our guarantee. We will do that for you. OK.
Now as far as a source please go. Nobody likes. They’re actually a parasite. You think about it whenever fleas bite you. Pest Control Tulsa
Joe Biden, you get your attention they’re buying you to suck your blood. They feed off your blood. That’s what they do. Right.
And we talked about how they were transported for mammals you know on rodents or dogs and cats or you know wild animals. They carry their homes or so they don’t carry their hoes. They catch a ride on their house that’s how they’re transported. Right. And so the most common species of a flea is actually to be called the Cat. Now despite its name, it doesn’t just stay on cats and dogs on humans. Those are his preferred House’s preferred hosts are cats dogs and humans.
And so you don’t want to be like you don’t want to be a host. Right. I mean it’s great to be a host having a party but you don’t want to host fleas because what they’re going to do is they’re going to suck your blood. They’re going to bite you those bites can be itchy bumpy they can be painful.
It’s just no fun whatsoever right. So if you are dealing with police or if you know somebody that is dealing with please don’t hesitate to don’t put it off any longer Google pest control Tulsa. That’s going to be us right you’re going to want coming out where you’re going to want to have us come out to take care of those to get rid of those flags for you to get rid of any other bugs that you’re dealing with. But to do that you’re going to get it to get in contact with.
So we’ll do a broadcast and we will treat all of the force that you have in your home and the couch is types of furniture. Any pet bedding that type of thing. Right. We’re going to treat it all that way. Know once we come out we’re going to be able to eradicate the situation we’re going to make sure you’re not going to deal with the fleas anymore which is very important especially if you have kids and other pets in the house. Now it’s important that when we come to treat do flea treatment on a home you must have your animals treated at the same time. OK. It’s important to have them treated for fleas because it doesn’t do us any good if we come out to treat your house and get that taken care of and then and then and then after we treat your dog comes in those four please and please jump off onto the bed and into your home.
You’re going to think that we do our job. But the thing is we did do our job which is that there are lots of fleas on a different host. Jumped off right. And so to prevent that if you think you have fleas or you just don’t want to get them to go ahead and do pest control Tulsa. Click and only give us a call we’ll come right now to Rodney King. Fleas ticks wise Draine flies gnats spiders brown recluse spiders Blackwood’s spider’s wolf spiders house spiders common spiders cellar spiders he’ll take care of mosquitoes.
Termites subterranean termites black termites with Wiens ants with wings swarming termites.
We will take care of mice and rats and cockroaches germ Brown cockroaches moles you name it will take care of it. We also do we control so broadleaf controlling Danny lines. Bit. Would you Grassie we’d such as Johnson Grass Dallas grass crabgrass pre-emergent applications where we’re going to prevent growth in the first place. Also, fertilize the yard with. Overseeing a ask you Bermuda ones as well will well and will fertilize get your lawn nice and healthy and thick. That’s what we’ll do for you. But the best thing to do is to give us a call you can reach us at 9 1 8 3 7 6 8 5 7 on the way that platinum past Now, remember when Bees are in your home make sure you call platinum your first service is just one dollar and will leave you with the perfect line in your past gone.