Hello podcasters, thank you for coming with this journey of life are optimistic about life. We are happy that you are a listing to us when we got one life to live and die. In this life, we are going to run to all sorts of different types of stripe, and sometimes the bugs can cause a stripe. Sometimes it’s that will we’ve done the yard until the strike is sometimes it is just those things it just really bugs that I just keep by your really jacking, with your lawn yeah that might be causing a stripe. Who knows what it is? Well, actually, you know what it is, but if it’s even done with a pastor with lawn, we can help make your stress a little bit easier there for you back. We can just eliminate it in those areas. Just buy hiring us it’s just that simple.

My name is Jared johnson aka, Pest Control Tulsa Some people just call it that because that’s what we do. We take care of it. Pest & lawn needs in the greater Tulsa area, and that could be you as well. I am the co-founder of platinum pest & lawn. My wife is the other found her. We found it together, it was lost and then it was found we found a great, but we want to bring you the most information we possibly can. This podcast we just want to come and I really feel it with all sorts of stops over we’re trying to cram session today inside your cranium with all sorts of fun facts, but here’s something for you when my wife and I started the company number years ago there, they’re, really want a whole lot of companies that have been reviewed on google all that much and so our goal I was really tough to provide the best Pest Control Tulsa have seen and I instead of her name.

That was our goal and we feel like we are on our way to accomplishing this. Now we get google reviews, people, radar, service and they, in the end, they give it a5 star rating right, I want them. You can have them checked in writing. An objective review has to let us know how we are doing too. Let us know what we can do to better help our customers and better help. Everybody else right that way we can become you’re. The best company provides you, the best service possible I’m known to man and that’s what we are attempting to do and we feel like. We are well on our way to accomplishing this task, and you can help us along this way, and so, if you’re wondering how you do that, how you can help us or how you can become a customer of ours at the great question, that’s a great thing to think about that.

That’s a great thing to ponder and we are happy that you are thinking about that, but we can. We can make sure that you do become one of her. Customers are now one way that people become more customers. His people just prefer a so a lot of friends and family that refer their friends and family, their neighbors to us they trust us now, I’m to refer their friends and loved ones to ask google. If you go to a computer if you have some skills of some computer skills or whatever it is you’re looking for pewter in if you type in the words of Pest Control Tulsa just type in those words search will beat you over to us of the dark company.

Will we can help you out and then you just give us a call, will walk you through the process with a double plan together as far as a limiting your past or possibly leaving you with the purple and also how that’s great service that we do provide, we are happy to provide that service, for you and with you, but I haven’t got a search for she got to give us a call. We can. We can make that happen. So what we’re talking about today is a big surprise. When I talk about bugs pest control company talks about bugs. Well, yes, that’s correct. We are about weed control. Also, we’re going to talk about it all today, I’m.

So thanks for the ride, thanks for Georgia along I’m, not do feel bad, you not beat up on yourself or really beat yourself up. If you don’t remember everything that said during this podcast yeah, that is very rare-that that that people do what I remember everything, in fact, I believe those people have what’s called a photographic memory is definitely not me.

I do not have a photographic memory, and so I’m not remember everything that I even say at this podcast. Unless you remembering everything that is in the podcast, and so we wanted to get a simple for you possibly can contact us cuz we can answer any questions that you do have to do. Are you just have to next time you see one of the billboards around town pest control Tulsa just pull over and got done all the information from that billboard? That’s all you need to get in contact with that. So do that and then we will be there waiting for you so this time of year, a lot of things are going as far as the lawn is concerned, but right now is really the perfect applications on your yard really dealing with lawns most revealing the defense of nature. So wheat, pop-up bam. You go check your mail and there’s a weed. You go check your mail the next day and there’s five more weed. They start at rapidly. You know multiplying, and so when that happened, you’re playing defense ammo on your pop hit, those weeds whack a mole, but when it comes a time you don’t want that to happen.

Yes, there will be some weed to pop in the summertime anyway, but having your home regularly treated, but really the only offensive dream will do on a week is going to be pre-emergent applications and that’s what we put down a tree in your yard is going to help prevent the weeds from Germany. That’s going to help prevent the week from keeping it up. In the first place, we even come up. So if that’s what you want, which you should have to have a yard that should be whatever you want. We try to make it as simple as possible, for you just grab a pest control. Flyer impact Pest Control Tulsa flyers would be even better if you drive that I’m.

That way it talks about the Tulsa area. All of our information is going to be on there, but we don’t just take care of applications when doing broadleaf treatments, so Danny Lyons we take care of I, will be grassy weeds, like nutsedge in Dallas grass, and will take care of henbit. You know we’ll make it happen if the type of grass is that better they’re, all the different types of weed going to fertilize your yard, make sure it gets nice and thick and green and I will do the lawn, aeration and walls Dumont overseen for best you. If that’s what you need, if you have a fescue lawn, don’t just do that.

We all street for the pass, so we do will treat for spiders in a tree for ants at cheaper wood, bees and carpenter bees, all sorts of flying insects like mosquitoes skittles guys you don’t like them both around give us a call, will take those mosquitoes out. Do it in good fashion rice will hammer the mosquitoes smell it will handle the mosquitoes. Take care, flies house flies love. You will realize when you take a real housewife, but we do. It is awesome. We take care of bed bugs right. There’s a bed bug epidemic there everywhere we can handle that for you, we take care of bed bugs for you, I’m not doing take care of the bed. Bugs Bunny, termites are bad I’ve every home in Oklahoma can get termites and no treatment ever done else. Do roaches and fleas and ticks centipedes millipedes eat scorpions. We handle it all Grubbs moles gophers, but I would just go to google and google pest control Tulsa college be reached at 918-376-0857. He also regions online at platinum pest & lawn. Com. We want to leave you the perfect, lawn and you’re. Only $1 Pest Control Tulsa