Pest Control Bixby | did you find a bedbug today?

Pest Control Bixby with Platinum Pest Control is the best place to go if you are looking for a way to get rid of unwanted pests. We will work hard sure that you don’t have to worry about your family or your pets being played by pets anymore. With no contract down, Platinum Pest Control is a local business and family-owned with affordable prices and professional technicians to make sure that that you and your family get the best home pest control treatment you can get. And if that isn’t enough, we will also contact you before servicing your house and your first service with Platinum Pest Control is only one dollar!

If you are looking for the best Pest Control Bixby can offer to look no further than Platinum Pest Control. Our professionals here will make sure that if you are not satisfied with the treatment you receive from our first visit we will return completely charge free! We focus on areas that bugs will be but we will keep the area safe for you, your family, and pet. We will make sure that your house stays free of termites, bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas, and rodents.

Platinum Pest Control, the best pest control Bixby has to offer specializes in handling bugs like bedbugs. We all know the term “don’t let the bedbugs bite” and often say this in a joking matter, however, bedbugs are really no joking matter. Many people think that bedbugs only infest really dirty places for people’s homes in low-income areas. This is simply not the case, however. Bedbugs don’t really need to see you when they attack, in fact, they can find you simply by detecting your heat or the amount of CO2 you breathe out to the surrounding air. Bedbugs can also live inside the walls and hide in areas most people don’t think to look. They really like humans because they are easier to attack with much less in the way.

At Platinum Pest Control, you know you are in good hands as we will provide you with custom treatments for your specific needs we have been approved by the Better Business Bureau, the Oklahoma pest control Association, Stone Canyon, national pest management Association, and the patriot. We also handle other services like lawn care, weed control, fertilizing, lawn seeding, and aeration. We will make sure your lawn is free of armyworms, grub worms, mites, ticks, and fleas. Don’t wait and wonder what your family will have to be a host for! You don’t have to wonder with Platinum Pest Control because we will take care of your family just like we would our own.

If you would like to hear more about Platinum Pest Control and the services we can offer you and your family, call us today at 918 – 376 – 0857. Or you can always visit our website to learn why it is a good idea to call Platinum Pest Control today and get your first service for only one dollar! Visit us at

Pest Control Bixby | Are you looking for a way to get rid of bugs in your home, business, or lawn?

So you found a bedbug today and freaked out a bit. Don’t worry if you call the best Pest Control Bixby has to offer, Platinum Pest Control, you don’t need to freak out. Believe you me, we understand that bugs are disgusting and unwanted visitors. No one wants to have to deal with bugs that can bite you over 100 times in one night! Sick! If you are looking for experienced professionals who can help you with your problem, Platinum Pest Control is the best you can get. We are a no-contract down, family-owned local business with very affordable prices and will even contact you before we come to service your home.

We have professional technicians to guide us and help us make sure that the job stays done. We provide custom treatments for your home to put your mind at ease that you are getting the specific treatment. As the best pest control Bixby can provide you, Platinum Pest Control will work hard to rid your home of bedbugs, termites, cockroaches, fleas, rodents, and other things that creep and crawl. Did you know that bedbugs and many other pests that major home can easily become resistant to pesticides? They do this by constantly reading the survivors that are immune to certain pesticides. After this happens, you will have a whole new generation of bedbugs that are naturally resistant to pesticides! This is why you need help from the professionals at Platinum Pest Control to help you get rid of these pests.

It doesn’t matter how clean your home is, bedbugs and other pests can still thrive happily in your home and off your blood. Unlike other bugs, bedbugs bite with numbing agents and their saliva which is why most people don’t notice bedbug bites while they sleep until they see the red whelps in the morning. As unsettling as this information may be. There is always hope to keep your home completely pest free. If you are not completely satisfied with the best pest control Bixby can give, Platinum Pest Control will send someone back to your house or business to finish the job completely free! We will do what it takes to make sure that you and your family are safe from bedbugs in any other pests that may be unfortunate enough to pick your home.

We will be sure to focus on areas bedbugs go by that family, friends and your beloved pets will not travel. Did you know that many bedbugs live inside the walls? This makes our job easier as Platinum Pest Control exterminators can target the inside of your walls without disturbing your family or pets. Our company has been approved with the Better Business Bureau, the Oklahoma pest control Association, stone Canyon, national pest management Association, and the patriot. Can trust us when we say that we will take care of any and all pests that are bothering you and your home.

If you are wondering how to find out more about what Platinum Pest Control can do to help you read your home of creepy crawlies, call us today for our premium service at 918 – 376 – 0857 or you can visit our website to learn more information at