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Perfect Lawn.
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Your family’s safety and health is a top priority for us at Platinum Pest and Lawn.

Our top priority is making sure that your family members and children are able to enjoy each other’s company in a pest-free way. We are determined to leave you 100% satisfied in your experience with us.

Every home is different and we will provide you with an elite service that is customized to your home and family to fulfill your individual needs. When it comes to servicing your home or business, we won’t use a cookie-cutter approach like other companies but will tailor our service to address your unique pest situation. Life is better when you are with Platinum Pest and Lawn.

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What Customers are Saying

Tulsa Pest Control Testimonial 1

Tulsa Pest Control Testimonial 3

Tulsa Pest Control Testimonial 2

Quick and efficient! Great people dedicated to serving the customer. Highly recommended!

– Travis Hulse

Tulsa Pest Control Mouse 300

We have used their service several times and their customer service and work are always great! Their prices are affordable and they are honest people, which is hard to find! Thank you!

– Amber B.

Tulsa Pest Control Roach 300

They are always available and very courteous. Great company to work with!

– Jared Hood

Tulsa Pest Control Ant 300

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Are you experiencing a pest infestation in your home? Have you noticed a few bugs here and there over time? Maybe you recently spotted something creepy and crawly for the first time ever just the other day. Whether you’re overrun with pesky critters or you just want to eliminate the chance of ever seeing them in the future, Platinum Pest and Lawn is the Tulsa pest control company ready and waiting to help you!

It is our top priority to ensure that you are exceedingly satisfied with our Tulsa pest control services, and in the process we can guarantee that you will once again be able to enjoy your home and your family completely pest free, or we will give you your money back! We are proud to offer you an elite variety of services complete with incredibly affordable prices. When it comes to treating your home, we prefer not to use a cookie-cutter approach like other pest companies do. Instead, we will uniquely tailor our services in order to specifically address your particular situation. Additionally, we want to give you your very first service for just $1 today! Life is better ( and beautifully bug free? ) when Platinum Pest and Lawn is taking care of you.


General Tulsa Pest Control Services

As a valued customer of Platinum Pest and Lawn, you can rest assured knowing that we are protecting your home and family in a way that is never intrusive or harmful. Our general pest service covers treatments for the pests that are most commonly seen in the home environment including spiders, ants, crickets, wasps, beetles, Armadillidium vulgare (known as roly polies), scorpions, centipedes, and mice. We strongly recommend both interior and exterior treatments during your first service with us so that we can begin flushing pests out and away from your home as quickly as possible. In an effort to give you exceptional satisfaction along with perfect peace of mind, we have chosen to use only the most premium products that also happen to be completely safe as well as highly effective. 


Interior Treatment

We use a liquid treatment for the inside of your home and we strategically target the treatment specifically towards the bug ‘highways’ and away from the paths that your pets and family members travel on. We also treat the areas where pests may potentially try to enter your home such as plumbing entry ways, window frames, door frames, and baseboards. 


Exterior Treatment

When we treat the exterior of your home, it immediately becomes the impenetrable defensive layer that will prevent the bugs from invading your home. In spite of the fact that your house was built as a strong sturdy weatherproof structure, there are many potential access points for pests to gain easy entrance from the outside. To combat this as thoroughly as possible, we treat 3 vertical feet up on the outer walls and 3 horizontal feet out on the ground. We also pay particular attention to weep holes which are tiny openings that allow for air movement during extremely hot and cold temperatures. We then extend the protection even further by treating your yard up to 10 feet out from the house with special granules that will prevent any other unwelcome guests from attempting to occupy your home. 


Other Pest Issues

Some pests such as termites, cockroaches, and bedbugs require a different and substantially more aggressive treatment plan to guarantee thorough elimination. We are proud to offer a variety of services for these types of pests as well. 


Bug Free Maintenance

We strive to achieve a bug free home for each and every one of our customers, but in order to maintain a bug free home, it’s very important that each house is receiving repeated services on a periodic basis at the very least. We recommend a recurring treatment plan for several reasons:

  1. Our EPA regulated products are proven to be safer than most other bug repellent solutions on the market. Because of this, they are also designed to break down over time. The outside elements will naturally erode the pest barriers we have put in place but we are able to easily maintain those barriers by treating your property seasonally as a protective measure. The easiest way to put it is that if we don’t come back, the pests will! 
  2. By returning to service your house after 30 days, we are able to kill the bugs that have hatched but have not yet had a chance to reproduce. Returning seasonally gives us the ability to stay ahead of the pest life cycle. 
  3. Some pest issues are harder than others to eliminate. The bugs didn’t arrive overnight and they don’t typically leave overnight either. We kindly ask our customers to give us time to bring the situation under control and sometimes that can be a process. 

If it helps, you can think of our services as a type of sunscreen. When you apply sunscreen at the beginning of the day, are you protected for the whole day? No, more sunscreen will need to be applied throughout the day. Our services are like the ‘sunscreen’ protection to keep your home healthy and bug free.

We have worked with countless numbers of customers to alleviate their frustration and stop pests from ruining their homes by creating damage that demands valuable time and money to repair. We recognize and understand that the thought of sharing your beautiful home with bugs and critters is not a comforting one! We are exceptionally confident that we can ease your mind and relieve your stress. Let us eliminate your pest problems so that you can continue to enjoy your home as the haven of safety and security that it should be. 

You are welcome to give us a call at 918-376-0857 if you have additional questions or would like to schedule your First Tulsa pest control service with us for just $1. Don’t forget to browse through our customer testimonials, you might be able to relate to some of the folks we’ve helped! We look forward to serving you and hope to hear from you soon. We guarantee to rid your home of pests in a reasonable number of treatments given your home’s circumstances or we will refund you 100% of your last month’s membership fee.